Sean Sweeney – Speech Techie Live via Webinar
Presenting Live from the US via webinar
Sean Sweeney – Speech Techie
Pairing Picture Books and Apps
to Contextually Address Language
Learn how to use Apps “looking through a language lens”.
Sean is an internationally renowned speech language pathologist, special educator and instructional technology specialist. He is recognised for his cutting edge use of technologies to support and develop language and social skills. Sean‘s Blog “Speech Techie” is followed by professionals and parents across the world. Sean presents at ASHA, Boston University and is a regular columnist for the ASHA Leader. Sean combines his experience in school settings with a special interest & training in technology integration and works in private practice.
Sean Sweeney aka “Speech Techie” is a master at training therapists, teachers and parents to integrate technology with an interactive and practical purpose to foster language development. His website, Facebook and blogs are avidly followed.
Date: 16th September 2016
Time: 9.30 – 12.30
Venue: William Angliss, La Trobe St, Melbourne
Cost: $150.00
– Tea & coffee on arrival
– Morning tea provided
More Information about the webinar.
This presentation describes research-supported strategies for contextual language therapy, including the blending of picture books with apps for visual, interactive, and curriculum-related post-reading activities targeting specific objectives. Research and commonly accepted best practices support the use of contextual children’s picture books in intervention to address clinical objectives around specific language and articulation targets, as well as discourse comprehension and production for narrative and expository text, social communication and self-regulation strategies. Specific strategies for interactive read-alouds will be described, along with models for critically evaluating helpful features of both picture books and technology resources applicable to speech-language interventions. Books for various age levels will be summarized and analyzed for contextual language targets, along with app-facilitated post-activities that can be tied to similar contexts. The presentation will conclude with resources that assist participants in locating picture books as well as interactive, language-building app.